Meditation therapist/facilitator for beginners as well as advanced meditators

Y&D Group - Yvonne Lustig & Bharat Dhingra

Individual sessions to work on your life issues like health, relationship, inner growth I with the help of meditation. Sessions for people with PTSS and related problems

If you like to share your experiences with the meditation or ask your personal query about relationship, sickness, how to feel positive towards life and how meditation can help with that, you can request an individual guidance from Bharat.

It can be one of the categories:

1. It can be the introduction about meditation.

2. Personal guidelines for personal growth.

3. Personal issues, like relationship.

4. Personal issues, it can be emotional, stress, physical ailment.

5. Support for advanced meditators.

If you are interested to get individual guidance about your meditation practice and your inner growth, please connect with Bharat. Please send a short email with your questions in 2 or 3 lines to meditationydgroup.


Bharat and Yvonne give together sessions for people with PTSS and related problems. 


You can book your sessions via the button "afspraak maken".

Over Y&D Group - Yvonne Lustig & Bharat Dhingra

Bharat Dhingra, Meditation therapist and Meditation Teacher in the VU and in our centers in Haarlem and Utrecht

He was born in India and completed his post graduation and teacher diploma in Commerce. He became interested in meditation in his teenage and went through many ways of meditations: traditional Hindu`s techniques of meditation, yoga, Vigyana Bhairava Tantra, long period of silence, Buddha’s techniques, zazen. The basic question was, to know about life and inner reality. 

"Today I can say without the help of meditation, one misses the real meaning of life. One can not love without having the insight of inner reality. Life is just a challenge in itself. This is an opportunity just not to miss it in mundane things. These challenges are not outside, they are within ourselves: how can I be happy, contented, how can I be free from anger, sadness, jealousy? And how I can live a stress-free and healthy life?" 

Bharat Dhingra


Yvonne Lustig, acupuncturiste, shiatsu therapeute, Chinese kruidengeneeskundige, docent massageworkshops

Yvonne is aangesloten bij beroepsvereniging LVNT; vaak worden de behandelingen vergoed door de aanvullende verzekering (alternatieve geneeswijzen).

Y&D Group for Awareness & Health

Bharat Dhingra & Yvonne Lustig

Niasstraat 1 kamer V.014
3531 WR Utrecht

Meditation therapist/facilitator for beginners as well as advanced meditators